This is a story that is getting bigger and bigger in this state and country, and to tell the truth, it’s starting to annoy the hell out of me. Logic is constantly overthrown to tell a story. I have personally known a handful of cops in my tenure, and to tell the truth, I have never known one to get his jollies by going around and using his badge to kick the crap out of people. I have, however, known my fair share of cooks (including a good amount of white trash, I’m an equal opportunity barrater) that love to make their own stories of civil misconduct sound like a victim whose human rights have been taken out back and slaughtered. One side of the story gets shown. Rather than the part where someone tries to slash a cop with a knife, it’s usually the part where the cop disarms and subdues them. If one would think logically, this would be the case in the Omaha news story. One story says that the police broke into the family’s house and started beating the family like Ike on Tina. The other says the cops try to arrest Arney McInsane, who resists and throws a few punches. The cops subdue him, mommy gets pissed of and throws a pan at the cops, the reverend comes over from the next house and says everyone needs Jesus and you have yourself a headline story!!!