Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Oops, I made the worst video ever..."

Writer’s note: First, I would just like to mention that I am currently a fugitive of the law. The sheriff is ga ga about finding me and I haven’t yet let him. Life has never been better. And now for something completely different.

Every hundred years or so, a masterpiece is created; something comes into existence that stirs the heart, delights the eyes, and blows the mind, entangling all the instruments of the imagination into a euphoric psychological orgy. Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” is a perfect example of this. It exhibits the potential greatness of human productivity while showing the beauty and slight insignificance of our existence.

Britney Spears' “Oops, I Did It Again” video, however, is the absolute antithesis of this greatness. First off, why the hell is the man landing on Mars at the beginning of the video? I spent a good 8 minutes pondering on this (six more than I believe anything to do with Spears is worth) and came to the conclusion that maybe it had something to do with the ‘Men from Mars, Women from Venus’ thing. But in that case, shouldn’t she be on Venus if the man is discovering her world? It would work on Mars if she was a transvestite and he was exploring his sexual preferences for the first time, but I think we left Spears in the dust about 224 words ago with the thought train, so I’m putting that idea in the ’about as likely as Hilary Clinton having a heart’ tray. In either situation, I have one word for that young man; turnthefrickaround.

Granted, this video was made years before the baby dangling, 18 marriages in six hours, car crashes, and public indecency happened, but the omens for what to come were clear. There is a path that one can take to make this a decently good music video… press mute.


ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

I completely agree with you on Britney Spears. She was ridiculous then, and now she is just down right outrageously ludicrous to the extreme. I mean first she had to do the classic “teen bopper” period in her life just like Christina Aguilera and Mandy Moore with the annoying catholic school girl uniform while wearing pigtails and showing her belly. And now a days with her lack of motherly instincts and blowing all her money on materialistic clothing and booze, I can only imagine how “great” her videos are going to be now. I mean how can you beat “Oops I did it again”, I do not even think it is possible (not).

ENG-001; Language and Writing said...

I think you pretty much summed it up there as far as Brittney Spears goes. You know what would be an interesting question to find out... I wonder if there is anyone in the world who DOES like her?

I tried watching the video (I don't remember if I've ever watched it, and I wanted to see the man on mars), but all I got was the "We're sorry, this video is no longer available" schpeel. I don't know, maybe it was just so God-awful, it had to be taken down. Oh well. I think I'll live through this horrendous disappointment. Good luck avoiding that sheriff.

ENG001: Language & Writing said...

I agree, this video is awful. I have always disliked Britney Spears’ music, her new video “Give me more” was my choice for the worst music video ever, but this is also a contender in my opinion. Not only is this video ridiculous but the lyric are equally awful. It’s very difficult to determine which of her videos is my least favorite because I hate them all. I would find it difficult to like her music, even if it was good, because I think she is a bad person and I would not want my money going to someone that is such a bad mother and a bad role model for her fans.